Commentaries with referred institution:
Venetian Senate

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commentary_d_1660 1660 * : Frankfurt Printers' Ordinance
commentary_i_1469 1469 * : Johannes of Speyer's Printing Monopoly
commentary_i_1486 1486 * : Marco Antonio Sabellico's Printing Privilege
commentary_i_1498 1498 * : Ottaviano Petrucci's Music Patent
commentary_i_1503 1503 * : Aldus Manutius's Warning against the Printers of Lyon
commentary_i_1517 1517 * : Venetian Decree on Press Affairs
commentary_i_1545 1545 * : Venetian Decree on Author-Printer Relations
commentary_j_1518 1518 * : Rabbinic Reprinting Ban for Eliyahu Bakhur